Tuesday, March 28, 2006

That Latest Me or the Latest You

A long time ago I was traveling through Glastonbury (Western England) alone. I stayed at a hostel there for 5 days, along with some other people who were staying there for as long, or longer. I became sort-of friends with a few of the girls there. One day we had a conversation about music--who we liked and didn't like--and one of girls suggested that I listen to Ani DiFranco. And so almost six years later, I've done that. And I like her! Sometimes she gets a little psycho-angry-Lilith-b*tch, but she's always smart and sometimes, very poignant, clever and sweet. Here are a few of my favorite lyrics/songs. I highlighted the best parts.

From "32 Flavors":

squint your eyes and look closer/ I'm not between you and your ambition/ I am a poster girl with no poster/ I am thirty-two flavors and then some/ and I'm beyond your peripheral vision/ so you might want to turn your head/ cause someday you're going to get hungry/ and eat most of/ the words you just said

This is a clever way of telling someone to be careful about how they interpret, judge or stereotype when they don't know that much about everything one person can be. And the tone of this song is pretty mellow and sweet. Not angry.

From "Both Hands"

I am writing/ graffiti on your body/ I am drawing the story of/ how hard we tried/ I am watching your chest rise and fall/ like the tides of my life,and the rest of it all/ and your bones have been my bed frame/ and your flesh has been my pillow/ I am waiting for sleep/ to offer up the deep/ with both hands

This about a relationship falling apart. But I like the way she reflects on their history and the image of this person being the bed she sleeps on.

From "Untouchable Face"

To tell you the truth I prefer the worst in you/ too bad you had to have a better half/ She's not really my type but I think you two are forever/ and I hate to say it but you're perfect together/ so f*ck you and your untouchable face/ and f*ck you, for existing in the first place/ and who am I? that I should be vying for your touch?/ and who am I?

I like this one because it is sung so sweetly and pleadingly (at times). The whole f*ck you thing is very unexpected based on the music/tone. But at the same time, you (or at least I) have felt how she feels. And I like when music explains pieces of me.

From "Manhole"

When I realize it doesn't bother me/ Like love's mementos usually do/ And I look up to see who's different here/ The latest me or the latest you/.../but you can't fool the queen, 'cause I married the king.

This whole song is great. I had trouble picking my favorite part. I like the perspective she takes on looking back on what she's learned.

And so six years later, I took the advice of a random girl who's name I don't remember, and in the process I have gained some new insights into the familiar.


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