Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's Been a Year...

Today is the one year anniversary of this blog. It's the Frog's blog-iversary. I had grand plans of doing a special post, reflecting in witty, humorous ways about the past year but now I am not going to do that. Why, you might ask? Because I am sad and stressed. And the reason is because NO ONE WILL GIVE ME MONEY FOR SCHOOL.

Here are the reasons why someone SHOULD help me out:

  • I have excellent credit
  • I owe NO MONEY right now.
  • I am willing to sacrifice a lot to help people in an area where there are major shortages.
  • I am kicking a** in school--I will be a great nurse!
  • I am willing to take a crappy loan with a HUGE APR that I have to pay off for the rest of my life. They can MAKE MONEY off of me right now!

Here are the reasons why I am finding trouble getting a loan:

  • I happen to be working full time now and no one cares that I won't be later.
  • I will be working on pre-reqs for other approved programs, but not in an approved program yet.
  • I already have a bachelors degree. I guess you only get help for one.
  • My school happens to not participate in a lot of private loan programs. I guess all the other students don't need private loans.
  • I am not enrolled full time at the moment (because I work full time) but I have to show proof of at least half time enrollment before I can lock down the funding. But of course I cannot find any information about when Summer enrollment begins. And if I am not enrolled with half-time status before mid-April, my current loan application will be cancelled.

I guess I have to just wait until I have proof of enrollment. This is the first area in my life related to finances where being proactive does not help.

I can't believe this is so hard. You know, I chose this route (pre-reqs at a JC then on to an accelerated one year BSN program) to save money and time. But it seems like it would be easier for me to fund all this if I just enrolled in an expensive 4 year college and started all over. Maybe I should consider crossing to the dark side and going to USC. Financial aid would be a breeze then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad I was previe to the excellent teaser campaign for today's post. And given your sadness about school/money stuff I will postpone the ribbing about how the objects of teaser campains never live up to the hype. However, you do need to know that it will all work out. You are always very proactive and that has served you well, but just relax a little and it will all fall into place. Enjoy the freefall dive! When you need it there will be plenty of water, or a safety net, or a big-fluffy-keep-you-warm-in-the-artic-tundra-down-comforter to catch your fall.

11:52 AM  

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