The Boy Diet
Doing the right thing regarding relationships and dating is sometimes like dieting. It can be about cutting back and not indulging. Which is hard.
I'm not always the best at sticking with a diet...or at sticking with working out regularly...or for that matter, sticking with ANYTHING I'm supposed to do regularly. Like grocery shopping, reading my book club book, writing in my journal, flossing, etc.
Right now I am on a TCN diet. He's a bunch of trans-fatty acid and I like free-flowing arteries.
I'm not always the best at sticking with a diet...or at sticking with working out regularly...or for that matter, sticking with ANYTHING I'm supposed to do regularly. Like grocery shopping, reading my book club book, writing in my journal, flossing, etc.
Right now I am on a TCN diet. He's a bunch of trans-fatty acid and I like free-flowing arteries.
i should go on a boy diet too... but they are so tempting aren't they? too bad none of them seem to be tempted by me (well at least any cute ones!)
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