Monday, February 13, 2006

A "Cupcake" for You

I told the Evil Sith Lord I was giving TCN a cupcake. His reply: "Is that what they're calling it these days?"

and, in unrelated news...

Last week at TDG I requested a certain girl barista (B) to make my drink for me. She makes them the best! I guess Barista G heard that I had done so from someone else and made a comment like "oh, I guess she doesn't like the way I make them for her."

Today, Barista G took my order and Barista B was no where to be seen. Here was our conversation:

M: (takes sip of drink, remains silent).

Barista G: "Is it as good as B's?"

M (pausing while determining what to say...Because it isn't): "It's not bad."

Barista G (speaking with slight hint of scorn): "Well I'll have to work on that."


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