Monday, February 13, 2006

A Strange, Strange Weekend

My weekend was really strange. Nothing happened as anticipated and unexpected things crept up. Here's a summary:

1) I ended up hanging out with TCN on Friday night. It was the first time we've really gotten together since our fight and it was fun! I approached the evening in terms of establishing a friendship with him, so I tried to focus on that without having any expectations about anything else. But later in the night we ended up having a conversation about "us" again and I opened up to him about how I really felt. The conversation immediately turned to his questions about leaving LA during the summer. He's unsure about leaving and I think the question of "us" is related to all that. Which makes sense. But since our conversation he's seemed more open about things and more attentive. In fact, the whole weekend felt a little more couply. Especially Sunday--we texted/called throughout the day and he came over a couple of times. So now I feel more confident about things and less nervous about trying to hide how I feel. Which is good.

2) Saturday night was supposed to be a great night and it ended up being a bad one. Some friends and I had plans that fell through for reasons beyond anyone's control. I was sad about those circumstances (not understanding them and not being able to help or do anything for those involved). I was also sad because I had been looking forward to the evening. In the end I still had to go forward with the plans on my own because others were expecting it. So the night began with me not looking forward to it, not wanting to be there, feeling sad about the other situation I referenced above and being tired. I stayed only until 11 and then left. I just wasn't in the mood.

3) I went to the beach on Sunday! The weather was nice enough to officially begin summer season '06. It was perfect.

4) I planned to get lots done this weekend, in terms of studying, homework, packing and FAFSA info. But due to TCN and nice weather distractions, I got very little done. Oh well. I don't feel bad about it. I needed some down time.

Tomorrow is V-day. I was going to ignore it completely but now I am going to give TCN a cupcake.


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