Follow the Frog is an online record of a 20-something single girl raised in Los Angeles, but now living in Baltimore.
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Monday, February 06, 2006
Let Me See Your Grill
This past weekend Y, BD and I visited our friend DJS in Tuscon. It was the perfect trip for me. Lately, I've been kind of weighed down by school and boy drama, so getting away was nice in and of itself. But, what was even better was spending such a fun, relaxing time with friends. I laughed the entire weekend and got to sleep lots. And everyone knows laughter and sleep is good for you! Also, we got to spend some time out in the desert where I got TONS of (what I hope will be) great desert shots. And, the weather was abnormally warm so it felt like summer. Today I feel rested and clear-headed. Rejuvenated and grounded. Which is good because I have a big test tomorrow!
Here's one photo from my little camera. Photos from my big camera will have to wait until after my test. And here's a brief recap of some of the Tucson happenings.
Warning: many of the statistics below are in reference to inside jokes and past experiences. Just ignore those that don't make sense to you. That might be most of them...
Cabo stories we told DJS: about 10
Times we RE-told each Cabo story to DJS: 3 or 4 times each.
Times we heard that fabulous Hip Hop song, Grill: 12 "Smile for me daddy!/What you looking at?/ Let me see your grill!/ You wanna see my what?"
How often we wished CH were with us: ALL weekend
Astronomers met: 15-20?
Pieces of Amy's HEAVENLY Apricot Rum Cake consumed: 4
Times I (unsuccessfully) tried to Hoola Hoop: About 5 or 6.
Trips to Plush: 2
Pictures I took of the Desert: about 150 (remember, you need to take TONS to get a couple of good shots!)
Minutes I spent laughing: about 540 (half of my awake time in AZ)
Times we said the word "Grill": Infinite.
Hours of Sleep: 18 (across two nights)
Tequila Shots: 1
Sexy Blue Jesus Pant Cocktails: 0.5 (too sweet, but fun to say)
"Ho" jokes: Infinite
Amount of sugar DJS keeps in his house: 0 prior to our visit. Now there are 3 packs of Splenda stolen from the Rincon market for future guests.
People who got to sleep in their own bed in their own room: 1. The Princess.
Hours spent in glorious summery sunshine: 10
Javolinas Seen: 6 (they're cute!)
Mountains Scaled in Blistering Desert Heat: 1. It was huge. We barely survived.
Hehe. The trip was GREAT (except for the CH-lessness) and this post captures it perfectly! =) Just for the record though - it was a double tequila shot so it counts as two!
Hehe. The trip was GREAT (except for the CH-lessness) and this post captures it perfectly! =) Just for the record though - it was a double tequila shot so it counts as two!
I liked the post, even though I wasn't there. :)
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