Monday, January 30, 2006


Last night I checked my email and found that I had an interesting comment posted on this blog. In July, I wrote a post called "Perfectly Poised Under Pressure." It was prompted by an article I read a long time ago by a columnist named Adell Shay. And last night, she commented on my post! It was VERY inspiring. Here's what she said:

"Just found your blog and wanted to say hello and thank you. AND I wanted to tell you and remind me we only need to be who we are. That's enough. The rest is a lie.Take care and don't forget to breathe. Adell Shay "

Exciting and unexpected!


Blogger ka said...

that is SO COOL! she must google her name or something.....amazing that she responded and made a comment on your blog (it was a really good post)

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very proud of you! How exciting... loved that post too.

11:49 AM  

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