Thursday, January 12, 2006

Parking Enforcement....always giving back to the community

I got a parking ticket this morning. $40.The thing that sucks about it is that I only parked there because I was trying to be nice (an unrelated story). And the other thing that sucks about it is that I even made an effort to check the "no park" times. It was dark and late and I was tired, but I thought it said that you couldn't park there starting at 8am (which is how the streets are in front of our apartment). And since I planned on leaving before 8am I thought everything was cool beans. But this morning when I turned the corner, I saw my dewy car sitting there all alone with a little envelope tucked under it's window wiper. And I knew...

Turns out the sign actually said no parking between 4am and 8am.

Not a good way to start your day.

On a more positive note, here are my New Years Resolutions for 2006:

1) Read more
2) Exercise more
3) Eat less
4) Quit my job and begin pursuing a new career full time.
5) Incur huge debt (because of item 4) but survive anyways. And still manage to have a little fun.
6) Be more honest with myself and more brave about doing things outside my comfort zone.

In looking on the brighter side, at least this morning's incident is helping me with part of resolution #5. And since I fully realize that the ticket was completely due to my own late-night stupidity, I am on my way to achieving part of resolution #6. So thank you LB Parking enforcement! You've given me the gift of growth.


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