Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Holiday Highlights

Here are some of the highlights from my holiday season.

  • I had a little Cabo-like Holiday Fling with someone we'll refer to as the Doctor.
  • I went to Las Vegas for NYE where I got stuck in a mob. The mob had the following effects: we were separate from our friend DS, my ring was ripped from my finger, and BD and I had to rely on the help of random boys to scale a wall so that we could escape the mob. I have this vision of climbing, feet teetering on the edge of the wall, while I was probably showing all the world my drawers, and then looking down to see fresh blood splattered from those before us who failed to successfully transcend said wall.
  • I drank my first 40!
  • I saw many movies.
  • I re-read one of my favorite books of all time (Fall on Your Knees), just because I needed a good book and re-reading one is a sure thing.
  • I went to SF with my family where I realized with more certainty how much I hate the drive between LA and SF.
  • I went to a big trade show in LV where I had my unofficial "Industry Finale" party! (just cause this will be my last trade show in this industry. Ever).
  • I probably gained about 50 pounds from holiday food.
  • Over the course of those 3 holiday weeks, I spent only 4 nights in my own bed.
  • I got a bad cough and lost my voice. I like to think that I sounded sexy but maybe I just sounded sick....

I am THRILLED the holidays are over.


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