Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It Hurts So Good

I went to Trader Joes on my lunch break today to buy some chips and salsa. I was disappointed to find that they still do not have any Roasted Tomatillo in stock. Even more disconcerting, they no longer have a tag for it. I fear it has been discontinued. Which makes me really sad because it is my favorite salsa of all time.

So I picked up my second favorite salsa, Medium Especial, which has been sadly ignored a bit lately due to my obsession with the Roasted Tomatillo. I also purchased another one, an unrefrigerated kind, called "Double Roasted Salsa". I thought that *maybe* because this is roasted, it would be as good as the Tomatillo. I was wrong. And I learned something very important--salsas sold in glass jars are just never as good as the fresh stuff.

So as I sat here eating lunch, happily going back and forth between the yummy Medium Especial and the so-so Double Roasted I re-remembered just how spicy the Medium Especial actually is. It should probably be called HOT Especial. And this is serious because I have a higher tolerance to spice then most white folk (I believe I ruined my sensitivity to spices from eating too much too spicy Indian food when I lived in England).

My mouth is on fire but I cannot stop.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your addiction is much more healthy than mine - guacamole. I'm newly non-allergic to it and I've been eating it like there's no tomorrow...


9:38 PM  

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