Friday, March 03, 2006

Texting My Way to Bankruptcy

Today I looked at my cell phone bill and noticed that it was about $40 over what it normally is. I have about a gazillion rollover minutes so I was pretty sure this extra $40 did not come from talking too much. When I looked up the bill I discovered--to much shock and horror--that I sent 375 text messages last month. Yes, that's right. THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE.

My god. What have I become??

At $0.10 a pop, that's where the extra $40 (plus some taxes) came from.

Seriously, I have a problem. I had NO idea that I was texting that much. Of course now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure I did...I should look into past months and do a little research. Maybe there was a billing error?!?! Do you know if you get charged for text messages received, or is it just for what you send? Because I just don't think I sent that many text messages...

I will look into it further, but in the meantime I added the "200 text messages for $4.99 a month" option to my plan. So with this new plan, if I happen to send the same exorbitant amount of messages again, it will only cost me $22.50.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have experienced the shock of that tiny little $.10 charge when multiplied by hundreds. Apparently if you don't have a text plan they charge for both incoming and outgoing texts... I'm sure there is some sort of global corporate conspirecy to steal our money $.10 at a time; so now I have foiled them all and I'm being robbed at $4.99 increments instead... hmmm.

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's absolutely outrageous - 10 cents to send a 160 character message? Ridiculous. Do your best to thwart the mobile operators!

10:56 AM  

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