Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday's Deep Thoughts

I've spent a lot of time studying during the past few days, which means that I've spent a lot of time thinking. It's very easy for one's mind to wander when they're staring out into space trying to memorize which enzymes are released in the small intestine during digestion. And all that time thinking (about school and everything else) has made me anxious to stop. But in the course of it all I have had some interesting thoughts. I am a severe procrastinator and here are the fruits of my labor:

1) I wonder if people living in the Inland Empire think it's funny that it's called an Empire. I mean, how many people today can say they live in an Empire? At least they have something in common with the Ancient Romans.

2) Faxing feels really archaic. So much so that I do not like doing it. And this is funny to me because fax technology is not all that old.

3) Sour cream is good. I didn't know how good it was until KAH and BD showed me otherwise. Especially on Mexican food. I think I even like it better than guacamole. Wait, no I don't. But it's pretty good stuff.

4) Working out is fantastic. That's not really a surprise. I mean, we all know working out is good for you. It helps you deal with stress, helps you stay healthy, helps you sleep better, blah blah blah. But I realized the other day that it actually really does wonders to keep me sane and grounded. I think it's because I don't really think too much during it (other than thoughts like, "OMG, 20 more minutes?" and "Did Eva Longoria really wear that purple lacy prom looking thing to the golden globes?"). Time off from thinking, along with the endorphins and all that, make me feel rejuvenated and ready to face life again with renewed strength and clarity.

5) Showering is fun. I used to view showering as something you do just to make yourself look good. It was just part of the process of getting ready to be seen by other people. So it was kind of a chore. But I've started showering at night and it's sort of becoming addictive. It's like washing off the day to prepare for restful sleep. And I always feel so good afterwards. Only problem is when I shower at night my hair never looks as good the next day. And my hair is too dry to shower both day AND night. What to do, what to do...

Okay, these are my deep thoughts for Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed them. I look forward to getting my mind back after the exam tonight.


Blogger vitamin g said...

personally, i'd like to see you procastinate more, so that i may procrastinate more by reading your blog and pondering your insightful questions to the universe.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

thanks G. I have like 8 more tests in this class before June so I am sure I will come up with more insightful things to share.

2:43 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...


3:30 PM  

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