Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Laundromats, Caffeine, and Bangs

Quick post 'cause I'm a busy gal right now. Here are some recent observations, musings and thoughts:

1) Laundromats are wonderful

Who knew that Laundromats were so great? I've never really used one before, but one early Saturday morning a couple weeks ago, I didn't feel like dealing with the weekend morning laundry race so I hauled FIVE LOADS down to the neighborhood Laundromat. I discovered that other young and presumably single-ish people are there doing the same thing, and that at a Laundromat, washing clothes can be kind of social. But most importantly, I discovered the beauty of simultaneous washing: it took one hour and a half to wash and dry five loads. And the combination of easy, steady work (sorting, shuffling, folding clothes) amidst a fun people-watching environment, made for a very relaxing morning.

2) Coffee is disappointing to me lately
I've become increasingly picky about what makes a good cup of coffee and because of that, fewer cups of coffee are good to me. But I've been hopeful, and I still go and buy it because I love the experience. It's like a reward. It's like a cup of warm comfort you get to drink in because you had to get up. But alas...lately, only the experience is rewarding. Followed by remorse for having spent $2 on something I probably won't drink.

3) A coworker asked for some of my photos!
The other day a coworker asked me for three of my photos to use at his house (in photo coasters). I was very pleased!

4) I have bangs.
Last night, I went and got bangs. The general said they make me look young, but at work, I've gotten some rave reviews. So the jury is still out.


Blogger Y. said...

I totally want to hang out at a laundrymat now! Aside from you actually making it sound fun, I did three loads Sunday and it took FOREVER. Alternatively, I could just lower my standards for what constitutes "clean" clothes and do less laundry. =)

11:54 AM  

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