Monday, March 13, 2006

The Evil Sith Lord and I

The Evil Sith Lord (ESL) took me to lunch the other day. I was upset about it, as I had packed and planned healthy food, as well as packed and planned a lunch by myself reading. The thing that bothered me the most is that he didn't ask if I had lunch plans--as he usually does--he just said: "We're going to do a working lunch today." When I said, "Okay...I guess I'll just change my plans." He replied with a curt nod.

Since I am a lame duck here at the office, I am very unmotivated. And since I had to change my lunch plans for this all important meeting, I was especially annoyed and pouty. The combination of sulkiness and disinterest meant that I did nothing but look at him with a drab expression, nodding periodically as he went on and on about boring things. Well...I also ate too much...but aside from that I particpated very little in the two hour conversation.

At the end of lunch, when we were parting ways, the ESL said, "so any thoughts? comments? suggestions?...Anything other than passive malaise??"

At this point I put on my "I'm-just-quiet-because-I'm focused-and-determined-and-eager-to-get-cracking-on-these-fun-projects" hat and said something like, "Yeah, it sounds great. I'm just really anxious to get the ball rolling and move forward."

Ah....if only the ESL knew the full extent of my passive malaise. I can't wait to tell him what I'm actually doing come June 2nd.

ESL Interaction #2: The other day we were talking with our marketing coordinator who just returned from being on four months maternity leave. We were all joking about how great it is when something goes right here and how whenever it does, our whole department should do a victory lap around the buidling. The jokes about said "victory lap" carried on a bit until it ended with the ESL telling the new mommy marketing coordinator, "Yeah, it would be a great way to lose some of that baby fat."

When she left, I looked at him, shook my head and said: "ESL, you can't say things like that."

ESL: "Why not? She just had a baby!"

ML: I know but, you never should imply to a woman that she should lose weight. And that implied it.

ESL: I don't get women...

Now I have a little more insight as to why his previous career as a therpist did not work out for him.


Blogger Y. said...

OMG, what a horrible comment! I'm glad you pointed out that one should NEVER imply a woman needs to lose weight - even (especially?) if she just had a baby. Wow. Totally insensitive.

Also, general malaise. I like that. That would have been a good blog title for my blog. =)

8:26 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

what an ass... glad to know you're getting out of there.

i feel sorry for his old patients, he probably just screwed them up even more.

9:41 AM  

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