Friday, April 14, 2006

One, Two, Three....Jump!

Earlier this week I decided that my official position on "my space" is as a non-participant. While I could definitely see myself getting into it, I decided that it would not, nay, SHOULD not be my thing. Yep, there would be no bandwagon jumping on my part. Between emailing and this blog, I just don't have time to monitor and maintain another life-in-review online forum.

The thing is, I actually do have a space. But I have done nothing with it. And I only joined it so I could hear some song someone had on their space (you had to be a member to hear it, supposedly). So I never uploaded or formatted or personalized anything. But you see??? This is precisely how they rope you in to their microcosm (read: cult). Since I unofficially became a member, two friends have found me and invited me to be their "friend." I ignored them because, well, we already are friends. For reals. Like, in true life.

And, let us not forget that I AM 28...28 year olds don't play at games where you "invite" others into an inner circle.

But happened. I was invited to join a group of my elementary/junior high school alumni. I haven't seen a lot of these people since I was 13. And hearing how they're doing is actually appealing to me. I wouldn't want these other group members to see a big "no photo uploaded" message whenever they check out who the other members are. I actually have to set up "the" space!!!

Because of these new circumstances, my official stance has done a 180.

Pop culture is forcing me to bandwagon hop. I'm a victim here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if I invite you to be my friend, will you confirm me? :)


1:57 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

yes of course CH

2:05 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

Now you've got me thinking I want to join. And I've resisted so long! Hmmm...if I join, will you put my space together for me? =)

10:57 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

i've been on the bandwagon for quite sometime... ok i'm the driver, it's true :)

and maybe, just maybe y'all will be lucky enough to be my myspace friends!

9:52 AM  

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