Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank God It's....the 90's?

I don't think there is anything more "90's" than TGI Fridays restaurants.

Maybe it's time for them to update things a bit. Surely they can find a new 21st century friendly decorating scheme to replace the red and white stripes and tacky pin-clad uniforms...there's gotta be something better that.

I remember in high school I used to think TGI Fridays was the coolest place to hang-out.

Now, not so much.

I wonder what today's 16 year olds think.


Blogger vitamin g said...

yeah, vita-twin, sven and i went to one remembering how good it used to be... what a let down. the food and service was terrible. i am so over the pieces of flair.

8:39 AM  
Blogger kq said...

I remember when Olive Garden first opened. My sister had her prom dinner there, we thought it was so swank.

1:05 PM  

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