Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Pain in the Neck

Last night I rearranged my room.

When you're feeling a little out of control in your life, it's good (from a psychological standpoint) to do something that makes you feel back in control. Rearranging stuff or redecorating a room is a healthy way to do that.

I'm not sure how I like it though. There are certain good things about it, and I think it will be better when I finish (I can't finish until I have a stronger person with power tools around to help). But at least it's different and that's nice. I did, however, manage to give myself a large knot in my neck during the process. I'm not sure if the neck knot is related to the heavy lifting and pushing, or if it's more about general stress. Either way, I'm sure a good dose of beach vacation will fix that right up.

So last week someone I know found out I was studying the nervous system in class. He thought it would be fun to quiz me on it and asked, "so...if I had a problem with my nervous system, where would it hurt?" Smugly, I responded that usually problems with the nervous system involve nerves being blocked/severed/damaged in some way. And since it is our nerves that let us feel, if one is blocked, what will happen is a lack of feeling (as opposed to pain). So someone saying, "Oh god, the dorsal route ganglion off of T2 hurts!" is not something you hear too often.

Of course, on the test there was a question about what would happen if the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) were severed and like an IDIOT I put it would lead to jaw pain. That's what I get for feeling smug.


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