Monday, April 24, 2006

The Frog on Another Blog

I'm back but really busy. I'll write more about the trip and everything later. But for now, here's a little something interesting.

I submitted a conversation to the Overheard in the Office and it got posted! Of course, it was posted while I was gone (on April 19th) so it's on the fourth page of posts now...but you can access it here:
10 am budgets due

And, just because I know I can trust you all...I have a small confession to make. The rules about the Overheard page is that it has to be a conversation you overheard. And actually, this was a conversation I was involved in. In this little scenario, I played the role of "employee". I know, I'm a bad, bad person.

Please note: this post marks the advent of proper link usage here on the frog. Hooray! Feel free to celebrate as necessary.


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