Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Star Wars and Disneyland

I'm wondering if I'm depressed. Seriously.

But that's not fun to write about or read about. So instead I'll talk about other stuff and try to stay in a place of almost silent partial denial.

I am watching Star Wars (part 4, but the first one that came out). It takes me back to a happier time when the only concern I had was why I couldn't get my side hair buns as big and as perfectly round as Princess Leia's.

I am going to Disneyland on Thursday. Part of me is happy about that. It's the part of me that thinks Disneyland IS the happiest place on earth, and that a perfectly timed churro after riding Splash Mountain on a summer night is the direct link to chilld-like exuberance. But part of me isn't excited about even that. I'm not really excited about anything right now.

God, I hate being such a bore and so sad. Sorry.


Blogger vitamin g said...

i wanna go to disneyland... i have a pass so it's not like i can't... i'm just too lazy too. i'm jealous though, you can ride the new space mountain! you must report in on how it is (if you go on it, which you must, so that i can live vicariously through you)

yay, i'm sorta-kinda-not-really going to disneyland too!

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never feel bad about talking about how you feel. I'm sorry you're feeling down lately. I get in funks like that, and really the only thing that gets be back on track is time. I spend time alone, time doing things that usually make me happy, and eventually I do feel better.

But you could also go to a therapist. Those help IMMENSELY (no matter what Tom Cruise says). Whatever you think works for you.

I do hope you feel better.

Oh, and I'm planning on going to Disneyland when I go down there for your party. Have fun!

1:21 PM  
Blogger kq said...

Sorry you feel like crap. Did I pass the "meh"ness on to you? :( Have you read the new Harry Potter book? That got me out of my funk.

5:14 PM  
Blogger ka said...

i agree with KQ....HP is great and will totally take your mind off of stuff (bandaid with lots of pages). KQ already finished it, but i'm a few hundred pages in and am loving it:-)

5:51 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

I also recommend chocolate. Worry about the weight later. When you're feeling better. =)

(Food problem? What now? *fingers in ears* I can't hear you. La, la, la, la.)

10:57 PM  

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