Wednesday, July 13, 2005

An Open Book

WBF asked me to go to lunch yesterday out of the blue. I think it's because I stopped showing an interest in him. Part of the reason I think this is just because of the games little baby boys under policy tend to play (hard to get). But then part of the reason I think this is because of something I discovered yesterday during lunch: WBF can read me, and possibly all people, very well. Here's what happened:

While we were walking out of our department into the main hallway area, we ran into the director of HR. I don't like him and I'm always afraid he's going to find something wrong with me (in an HR sense). And yesterday I just happened to be wearing an illegal t-shirt (I'm know, I'm such a rebel). So internally, I was sort of startled by seeing him. On the surface though, I felt as though I walked by smoothly, and waved a casual "hello." Several minutes later, I pointed out my t-shirt to WBF (because rebellious girls are hot, right?). He then asked me, "Is that why you kind of stiffened when D walked by?"

My goodness! If the boy noticed this ever-so-tiny flinch at the sight of the HR man, how long has he known about the ebb and flow of my interest in him?

And this takes me to a larger issue. I like to think that I am good at hiding my emotions. I really wish I were. Being able to control that sort of thing gives you the advantage in so many situations. But alas, I feel I am not good at hiding my emotions, and this little incident with the WBF proves it.


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