Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Black Cherry Bliss and The Little Barista that Could

Last week I stumbled across something wonderful at Starbucks: Jone's Sugar Free Black Cherry Soda. I love it! And this is saying a lot because I normally only like soda when it's mixed with alcohol. But this soda (dramatic sigh) is so much more than just pop. It's refreshing, yummy, and zero points. Clearly it must be the nectar of the gods. And in addition to its black cherry goodness, the bottles feature rotating photographs from young aspiring artists! And so I've begun collecting some of my own photos to submit. Jones Soda Co seem to choose random images, e.g. the bottle I bought today has someone laying on their back in the snow with their hands and feet in the air. It's black and white and asymmetrical. So the first photo I've decided to submit is of my brother skipping. I think Jones will love it. Once it's up, PLEASE go to the website and vote. Even if you think my photo is dumb, vote because you care about struggling artists everywhere (not that I'm one of them...but I DO care about them...).

Another bonus: a portion of the proceeds from Jones Soda sales are donated to the American Diabetes Association. So every time I buy and drink one of these babies, I am helping others. And that's what I'm all about (well, as a BOBO*, that's what I like to think I'm all about).

Anyways, I've added a new feature to my work-week day. At 3pm, I stroll across the street enjoying the warm Cerritos sun to the local Starbuck's where I pick up a bottle of this black cherry bliss. It is fun and I recommend it to all people fortunate enough to be within walking-distance to a Starbucks. So, basically everyone.

This young child just does not give up. He is like the real-life, un-furry, non-pink version of the Energizer bunny. He called on Friday to ask if I wanted to hang out this weekend. Then he texted me yesterday to say "Happy 4th." I didn't respond to either communication. Baby Barista G does not get it and I cannot explain it any further without being mean. Thus, my relationship with TDG must end forever. It is dead to me now.

*See "The Nappers" blog for an explanation of this phrase //http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/sweetpea/#a28


Blogger kq said...

Sorry Baby Barista just doesn't get the hint. :( I LOVE Jones Soda as well! You know you can order your own 12 pack of bottles with your unique photo and name of the soda? And it's a really good price. Got some a few years ago for my parents' anniversary. Huge hit. I think it's myjones.com or something like that.

2:31 PM  

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