Monday, July 11, 2005

Maybe Mercury is in Retrograde

I have a case of the Mondays. I am tired today and unenthused about things in general. Which is silly because I have a lot of exciting things coming up like a GREAT vacation, a fun b-day, and my tattoo!!! So I just need to quit my b*tchin.

Maybe this is what happens after you get enough sleep and take a day to actually relax during the weekend. I slept 14 hours on Saturday night and spent Sunday catching up on Netflix and doing laundry.

Or maybe I'm feeling "meh" (like KQ!) because of all the movies I watched yesterday. Back to back, I watched Rabbit Proof Fence (about half Aboriginal girls living in 1930's Australia when half-caste children were considered property of the government and could be taken forcibly from their families to be raised in camps), Maria Full of Grace (about a Colombian girl who becomes a drug mule to escape some of the troubles of living at home), and then The Pianist (about a Polish Jew trying to survive during the Nazi Germany occupation of Poland during WWII). These are not light films. And back to back, even less so.

Or maybe Mercury is in retrograde. I don't actually know what that means, but it always makes me feel better as to why I feel unexplainably off.


Blogger ka said...

yeah...those movies are heavy! day of "power lounging" included moves like: bad news bears (original version), legally blonde, and sopranos. but then again i don't have netflix and i was too lazy to leave and go rent a dvd so i just watched what was on HBO. :-) but it's always hard to get motivated on monday's....the "m" in Monday stands for "meh"'s Mehday!

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was feeling the same way all day. But I know my reason...PMS! Gotta love it :)

8:59 PM  
Blogger kq said...

Thanks for the encouragement to get over my "meh" phase! I think it must have been something in the air or along the coastal towns. Or we're all mysteriously on the same cycle via the world wide web and experiencing PMS. Or perhaps it's because you watched 3 hardcore serious movies back to back to back. :) Hope you're feeling better regardless!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the movies you watched were all downers. We're entitled once in awhile to have yucky mondays. If you didn't have days like that, you wouldn't appreciate the good ones. Your roller coaster is down, but is heading back up. tLC

10:35 PM  

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