The Stuff I Bought and How it Fixed Me: YAY for Capitalism (and moms)
Two skirts, two shirts, two necklaces, a dress, time with my mother, and a Wetzel Pretzel later, I'm starting to feel better. Whoever said that shopping couldn't fix things is shopping in the wrong place. Of course, my new stuff is probably just a band-aid, it doesn't FILL the void. It just covers it with pretty material. But who cares. I'm a young woman in a particularly superficial part of America, and by nature I rely upon the Gods of Capitalism to fix and "make pretty" all that is not.
Oh, and my mommy bought me a Mrs. Fields cookie too. Yum.
Now was all that about "meh"?
Oh, and my mommy bought me a Mrs. Fields cookie too. Yum.
Now was all that about "meh"?
I also had a wonderful day. Sometimes bandaids work just fine. tlc
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