Ice Blendeds Can't Fix "Meh"
I had a really funny post in mind for today but I just can't muster up the energy to be funny. I think I am feeling down. For no good reason. I've been trying to ignore it all week (what they generally call denial), but I guess I kind of knew about it on some level because I tried to do all the things that make me feel better when I'm down. I watched stupid TV, hung out with friends, worked out (endorphins, where are you?!?), read Life & Style, made fun future plans, and tried to focus on my upcoming Cancun trip. Today, I even went as far as to get an ice blended from The Coffee Bean. One just opened near my work (within walking distance, this can be very dangerous...). I made myself get the No Sugar Added powder but let myself indulge in the whipped cream. So, there's less guilt, but still....not much enjoyment from it. The only good news I have today is that despite not doing WW for almost a month and despite eating pretty much what I want to eat, I have not gained weight. In fact, I've dropped a couple of pounds from the last time I weighed myself.
So it's sort of hard for me to admit that I am feeling kind of down. I always feel like I have to put on a happy face for friends and family. I don't always do that--and most of my close friends have seen me not at my best before, but I feel like I should always try and appear happy. Especially with my family. Sometimes it feels like if I don't act happy or have the ability to snap myself out of a bad mood, my family gets impatient and exasperated with me. Which, obviously doesn't do much to help the situation.
But I am dwelling on stupid things...let me move on. I have a date with the last guy from tonight. "Last" because I cancelled my membership for the month. With my upcoming trip and my general non-interest in match guys, I figured a break is in order. I hope to wow him with my bubbly personality and witty banter (Even though I'm feeling neither bubbly or witty, I'll manage somehow).
I am going shopping today at lunch with my mom. Maybe that will help. Bargains are always an inspiration.
So it's sort of hard for me to admit that I am feeling kind of down. I always feel like I have to put on a happy face for friends and family. I don't always do that--and most of my close friends have seen me not at my best before, but I feel like I should always try and appear happy. Especially with my family. Sometimes it feels like if I don't act happy or have the ability to snap myself out of a bad mood, my family gets impatient and exasperated with me. Which, obviously doesn't do much to help the situation.
But I am dwelling on stupid things...let me move on. I have a date with the last guy from tonight. "Last" because I cancelled my membership for the month. With my upcoming trip and my general non-interest in match guys, I figured a break is in order. I hope to wow him with my bubbly personality and witty banter (Even though I'm feeling neither bubbly or witty, I'll manage somehow).
I am going shopping today at lunch with my mom. Maybe that will help. Bargains are always an inspiration.
Add me to the list of people feeling "Meh" this week.
I'm still "Meh" as well. Blame in on the weather. Or we can "blame it on the rain, yeah, yeah..." ah, Milli Vanilli. Good times. :) Good luck on your date tonight! You can wear some of the new clothes that you bought.
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