Monday, July 18, 2005

No Vacation...and FOTW (7/18): KA

I am really sad today. My Cancun trip was cancelled. This takes last week's "meh" to a whole new level.

Good things that have happened today:
1) Despite my lack of effort and the intense LBC humidity, my hair looks unexpectedly good at the moment.
2) When I got my coffee this morning, the entire LB Fire Department was there getting coffee too. Firemen are nice.
3) My co-worker brought me some homemade veggie samosas this morning. So much for healthy eating today.
4) Now that I don't have to finish all my Cancun books, I can devote my reading time exclusively to Harry Potter. I plan to begin that adventure this evening.

(That is me trying to look on the bright side)

FOTW (7/18/05): KA
I haven't forgotten about FOTW, but I haven't really been keeping it up. This week, however, I have one. It's KA. Last night she was very supportive and helpful in light of my cancelled vacation. She listened to me whine incessantly about it as we drank Coffee Bean Lattes and walked on the beach. It was fun and comforting and healthier than consuming beer. Thanks KA for being a great friend, both last night and always. Your prize will be mailed shortly (Well, by "shortly" I mean in about a month. So, your prize will be mailed out before the end of summer).


Blogger vitamin g said...

i need to read harry potter as well... that book just looks at me and says, yeah go ahead and try to get through me. reading is hard.

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am interested in your blogs.

5:42 AM  

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