Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Hippopotamus for Christmas

I feel like I'm hibernating. Seriously, all I want to do is sleep and eat sweet potato soup (well, I'll anything that's warm and comforting and right now, that happens to be sweet potato soup). But since I cannot just eat and sleep, and since I have to motivate for finals, I am trying to make my apartment conducive to studying... I decorated for Xmas. The heat is back on and it's nice and warm. And Christmas decorations need thermal PJ's and Christmas music, right?? So I'm not doing much studying. I am, however, being productive in other ways. I'm making a lot of sweet potato soup and working on all your Christmas gifts!!! So you should thank me for being a big fat lazy student.

Here are pictures of my decorations. They're not much but it works. The tree is a living Christmas tree. I am hoping that he brings some good ROI for future Christmases.

Since I'm listening to a lot of Christmas music, I'm learning the lyrics to many random Christmas songs. One of the songs the local Christmas radio station plays over and over again is called I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. It's so annoying and I used to dislike it, but now I find myself humming it throughout the day.

Check out these lyrics:

No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses/ I only like hippopotamuses

Mom says the hippo would eat me up but then/Teacher says a hippo is a vegetarian

What is more fun than a Christmas hippo?

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Blogger Buffy said...

Good to know I'm not the only one in hibernation mode.

9:25 AM  

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