Sunday, November 04, 2007

Go Straight, Then Turn

I'm a bad blogger. I realize this. And I want to write SO much more right now, but I can't. So I will just say a few quick things.

1) My favorite 7-11 guy has moved away! We didn't get to say good-bye! I told the other 7-11 guy to tell my favorite one that I said hi (they're friends). But he pointed out that he didn't know how he'd be able to let him know that the message is from me. And he had a point: we don't know each other's names. All I really knew about him was that he was from India and he worked in the mornings. So, wherever you are Mr. 7-11 man, good-bye and thanks for all the cheerful chatter on those early morning coffee runs! You added something good to my initial B'more days. And I appreciate it.

2) Is it wrong not to go out with someone again because you feel like they are just way too unpolished (in the ways of the world) and would require too much "training?"

3) I HATE HATE HATE driving in Washington DC. I get lost EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It took me an hour just to get to the highway. Streets are all at strange angles, which messes with my normally pretty good internal compass. And the names just change suddenly. I got directions saying "continue on L street then turn right on New York." Simple, right? But then L street turned into something else before New York was an option. So that meant turning around on haphazardly angled one way streets. And that lead to coming across an entirely new area with no recognizable street names. Which meant another gas station visit for guidance along the lines of "Go straight and then turn" was warranted. The good news? I made it home.

Too bad the cheap commuter train doesn't work on the weekends.

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