Monday, August 20, 2007

Potter, Austen and Bourne

I did nothing today except dwell in the lives of others. I read Harry Potter (finished re-reading book 6 and began book 7), saw Becoming Jane at the movies (Fantastic! I am still sad about it and I want to re-read all the Austen books), and watched The Bourne Supremacy on TV (to prep for my viewing of the 3rd film later this month).

I have to say, it was NICE.

Not that my life is awful or anything. It isn't. In fact, it's been pretty good lately. But since I am in the midst of my longest official summer break since I was in college, I felt like indulging. And today, indulging meant watching others experiences. While eating a rice crispy treat.

Oh, I also bought my crappy books for the next stupid semester. This is something I've been dreading and carefully putting it off until nearly the last minute. I am not ready for it all to begin again. No way.

Wait...I bought my school books this morning...maybe that is why I then chose to spend the rest of the day in worlds that are not my own. Maybe I am trying to ignore my dread about the stress and work that lies ahead. Something about "ignorance being blissful" and denial comes to mind, but I will think about that some other day. Now, I must get back to Mr. Potter.

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Blogger ka said...

i was reading Potter all weekend too! I wanted to re-read the Half Blood Prince to get ready for the next! i'm glad i'm re-reading because honestly i can't remember how it ends!

5:27 PM  
Blogger kq said...

Ooooh, Book 7 is totally wonderful and chock-full of awesomeness.

8:35 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

don't give away the ending!!! i haven't read the 6th or 7th yet... though kq already ruined the 6th... boo her! it's funny that my first blog in a while was about a book too! look we're blogger twins for the moment... though fraternal as my post is about an entirely different book... oh and thanks for getting me addicted to twitter!

9:21 AM  
Blogger kq said...

I'm not gonna give away the ending! Sorry, I don't remember giving away the ending to book 6 either. Your own fault for not reading it fast enough! ;)

11:42 AM  

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