Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Final Final

Tomorrow is my final final. YIPPEE!!!!

In case you can't tell, I'm thrilled this semester is almost over.

To celebrate, I am having Spaghetti-O's for dinner. While some people do not like the S-O's, I genuinely love them. I blame my parents and their Pavlovian conditioning for my love of Mr Boyardee's culinary creations.

Last weekend I was in SF for KM's wedding. I crafted a little blog post while on the plane trying to study. Unfortunately, my S-O's are calling and I only have a 30 min break before I get back to learning about Stage 4 pressure ulcers. Thus, that post will be posted another day. Probably tomorrow after my school peeps and I have our end-of-the-semester mimosa brunch.

One more thing. Here is a quick shout out to VM a new member of our ever-so-cool blogging circle. VM and I went to high school together and we were roommates in college. She also knows the Wombat and the Napper. I'll add her link to this blog tomorrow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on surviving your finals Froggy-poo! And thnx for the shout out:) I'm so excited to be a part of the Blogosphere and finally know what's going on w/ my frenz. In fact, I've gushed about it so much I even convinced a co-worker to start her own blog as well.

Can't w8 2 c u in a couple of weeks and take some "roommate pictures"!

3:06 PM  

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