Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Beautiful B's

This past weekend was a good one. I did the usual (study all day every day) but I did manage to get out on Friday and Saturday night. Friday we went dancing at the local neighborhood bar. Saturday was a big Gay Pride parade. Sharpie, a non RN friend, had a rooftop party. The streets were blocked off, the air was full of live music, it was a hot summer night and I had a pretty dress on. I was THRILLED to be out and socializing.

So far this week has been more of the same. I'm actually feeling kind of down today. I had my first exam and I got a B. I know I should be happy, 'cause it's better than a C, but I'm not. It's one thing if I wasn't studying, but ALL I DO is study. The problem, I believe, is that I'm not quite in the groove yet when it comes to thinking like a nurse. And also, there's not a lot of black-and-white about medical things. Most of our questions are about patient situations and how we would respond. Based on the scientific facts, how I would respond might not necessarily be wrong, but then I have no real-world nursing experience and I don't necessarily think the way my professor does. And therein lies the problem.

I can study the facts until, well, forever. But that won't necessarily mean an A. And it won't necessarily mean a B either. But it also doesn't mean I won't pass my classes and become a great Nurse Practitioner. I have to become content with the idea that passing = good. B's aren't bad, they're beautiful. And if I keep saying that maybe I'll begin to believe it.

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