Thursday, May 24, 2007


So I keep putting off writing in here. It’s not that I don’t have the time—I have stuff going on but very little structure to my days. I could easily find time to write in here if I wanted to. It’s not that I don’t have the material. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. I have TOO much I want to say. And I think maybe that might be the very problem. I have too much to say, and it makes me feel overwhelmed. And then this blog becomes a big chore. I think there’s just so much “new” in my life right now that it is exhausting to write about it. Sometimes, I don’t even want to talk about it. It’s too much work to have to re-tell the stuff worth telling. But maybe I’m just feeling all this because of all the changes my life has gone through recently. Everything around me is new and nothing is easy (because it’s all new). I think that is more exhausting than I think.

But now, in writing even the above paragraph, I’m in “writing mode” and feel like saying more. So here goes…

Here are some observations on life my in Baltimore so far:

  • The roads here are in the worse shape ever. There are bumps and potholes and ditches and dips everywhere. I am certain my car will need new shocks soon.
  • Steam comes out of the manholes here. I’ve never seen that before except as dramatic context in dark, thriller, murder-mystery films. I’m sure it has something to do with the inner workings of the city and perhaps temperature/humidity, but maybe Baltimore is full of mystery.
  • I saw a sign on a bus today that promoted marriage. Seriously. It said something to the effect of “Marriage is good and it costs less then being single.”
  • I have seen several signs talking about how “virgin” isn’t a bad word. I think it is good to teach young teens to abstain until they’re older (or smarter), but I think it’s funny that someone is spending a lot of money on billboards like this. This billboard, along with the “pro-marriage” one, makes me wonder what kinds of things the Maryland teens are up to these days…
  • Baltimore is not a very bike-friendly city. This CA girl will not be riding her beach cruiser on the streets of B’more any time soon. Fortunately, there are many parks and forests and shorefront places to ride. And since MD experiences a real winter, summer is like a constant party. Everyone wants to be outside doing stuff in the sun. It’s sweet.
  • The pool on the roof of my apartment opens this weekend. I was shocked to find that out because it never occurred to me that it would be closed. Sure, I didn’t expect people to use it in the winter, but the idea of closing a pool? Well…I guess those thoughts just make it obvious that I come from a warmer place. I still chuckle when I see signs in all the elevators announcing the big opening day. With the 85 degree weather and 60% humidity we’ve experienced since my arrival here, that pool should have opened already!
  • Having a whole apartment to oneself is interesting. Now I pretty much only use my room to sleep in. All other living is done elsewhere.

Here are some observations about other states from the cross country journey:

  • You know how our weather is sometimes broken into the temperature in the morning and at night? Sometimes we even have a mid-day high/low forecast? Well in Texas they break it down by meal. So the temperatures are given for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
  • BBQ is a very important thing to many states. And each once claims that its BBQ is different (and better) than the other types out there. But you know what? It’s all kind of the same. It’s all about meat that is cooked in some kind of tomato-based sauce. It’s all good, but it’s not all that different.
  • The trucking community is one that I never wish to be a part of. It is, however, a good sub-culture to find a husband in. Not necessarily a good husband, but if you want a man, any trucking gas station off highway 40 is the place to go. Especially if they have a country buffet restaurant attached. You can eat some fried chicken and cheesy grits there, but then take the dessert to go.
  • New Orleans is very seedy. Or at least Bourbon Street is. It’s like a Frat Party mixed with Tijuana bars geared towards 18 years olds who only want to drink anything that is sweet, frozen, and blended. The rest of the French Quarter is lovely and full of charm. The area around the French Quarter is still riddled with Katrina-related devastation. That part was sad.

Okay…see? One little paragraph above led to all this. I was tricked into writing!!!!

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Blogger nikki c said...

i totally understand where you're coming from. i struggle with not wanting to sound all trite and self-important in my blog. i do hope that once the dust settles, you'll continue writing! ;)
-nikki c

11:48 AM  

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