Tastes Just Like....Pulvo
Spain, the Miniseries part 7
Towards the end of the trip we decided to hop over to Portugal for dinner one night. The town was a sleepy one and without a guide book, suggestions from locals, or knowledge of the Portuguese language, it was challenging finding a place to eat. When we finally did we had no idea what was on the menu. We used KA’s Spanish and my French to figure out a few items, and ended up ordering a couple of pulvo dishes. “Chicken” in Spanish is pollo and it's poulet in French. Thus it could follow that “chicken” in Portuguese, another Latin-based romance language bordering the Mediterranean, might be something like pulvo. Well it turns out that pulvo actually meant octopus. Octopus covered in slimy purple skin and tentacles. One of the pulvo dishes was gross (according to KA, as I wouldn’t eat it). The other one wasn’t so bad (after KA told me it was safe to eat). Yes, that meal was definitely something of a dining adventure.
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