Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Big City Frog

Yesterday I went out in to the suburbs to go to Target. The funny thing is I was REALLY excited about the trip. Not because I love Target and not because I get to shop (I literally have no extra money to spend at all). But because the trip meant I got to drive and I got to go to the suburbs!

Living in the middle of a big city has been interesting. I never thought I lived in a suburban environment before. While I did technically not live in LA proper, it didn’t feel like I was living in the suburbs. I was living in crowded areas and sometimes in places where parking is hard to find. There were people all around, businesses all around, freeways near-by. No, it wasn’t downtown LA but it wasn’t quite like Wisteria Lane either. But now that I live in the heart of B’more, I am discovering the differences. There are good and bad things about living in the middle of a city.

The Good
It is easy to walk everywhere
It is easy to grab a taxi when you don’t want to walk.
There are great restaurants, bars, boutique near-by.
Friends are just down the street.

The Bad
It gets tiring walking everywhere.
I don’t get to drive as much.
It’s hard to find parking when you do need to drive.
The comfort of chains and suburban America is far away.

Lately, it’s been over 90 degrees each day. The AC is hiked up inside every building. Regardless of the heat outside, I always get cold inside. But walking around everywhere, lugging your inside jacket and everything else you need for the day means you sweat a lot. I have a 5 block walk home every day. It’s up a slight hill and in the sun. By the time I get to my apartment I am usually very grumpy. Especially if I had to carry large, expensive, brand new, nursing text books on the journey.

Yesterday, as I was going to my car to drive to suburban Baltimore, I was excited. Excited that I got to drive. Excited that I got to experience the familiarity of the suburbs. Excited that I wouldn’t be driving in congested streets where pedestrians are always j-walking and the potholes are bigger then me. Excited that I got to be on the expressway. Excited that I got to park in a non-parallel spot in front of the store I want to go into.

Yes, I guess I’m more suburban than I thought. And that thought made me miss home.

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