Sunday, June 17, 2007

Excessive Excess

I just saw a bit of a "My Super Sweet 16" episode on MTV. I've never liked this show. The way it promotes excess and superficial extravagance just can't be healthy. And even though it is a TV show and it only represents a small portion of reality, it makes me feel embarrassed about being American. Regardless, it was a good thing to have on in the background while I took five minutes to clean my room.

This episode was about a little prima donna who had a white-themed party. Everything was white and silver. Aesthetically speaking, it was quite lovely (I'm in to tasteful color-coordinated decoration). But then they did the "Daddy's Money" portion of the evening. There was a phone-booth sized stand where a fan blew money up into the air. People attending the party could go inside for a finite amount of time and grab what they could of "Daddy's Money." As the money-hungry 16 year-olds scrambled to get in and get some, "daddy" stood on the sidelines and beamed.

I couldn't watch any more after that.

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