Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inspiration Corner

During my year abroad in England, my BFF and I would gallivant all over Europe and put studying off until the absolute last minute. We called this period of intense studying, "Office Crunch Time," or OCT. We also would each select an inspirational photo to have with us at our computers as we sat working in the lab late each night. OCT and the photos were more about humor than anything else. We picked silly pictures to remind us of more lighthearted times, and we referred to OCT as though it were something serious and dreadful. Something we could look back on and celebrate surviving through. Like boot camp.

Well those days are long gone. As you already know I actually don't wait to the last minute to study any more and I don't treat this constant OCT time lightheartedly. I do, however, still like to have inspirational things around me while I work. Here is a photo of my current "Inspirational Corner."

In this corner you will find the following:

1) A Staples "That was easy!" button, from my mother. It gives me GREAT and very cheesy satisfaction to hit the button when I complete a large task. It feels even better than crossing things off a list. A-Type Personality, anyone???

2) Lego Man. A going away gift from my LA b*tches (KA and the Princepesa). He has come to replace Lego Lady. It's a long and silly story.

3) My Nurse Quacktitioner (from KA). She's just cute! When I'm a Nurse Practitioner one day, I hope to be just as cute. Maybe more in a non-duck kind of way though.

4) A key from my father. Functionally it works to open the club he gave me to keep my car safe. I keep it in Inspiration Corner to remember that he loves me. Sometimes I forget.

5) My Red Blood Cell stuffed animal from the Wombat. RBC's are my favorite cells and this is the cutest, cuddliest RBC that ever there was!

There are other inspirational things around my apartment too. I've got the beautiful elephant from HBo by my door, the glass globe KM gave me on the other side of my desk, the toy BP cuff and stethoscope from KQ and G in my living room, and Pierre-the-fish from The General on my bookshelf. Oh, and there's the plant the Evil Sith Lord gave me when he left! I almost killed it during the trek cross country. It froze overnight in the uHual while we passed through Arizona, but now it is growing new leaves!

In an unrelated topic...whenever I get the opportunity to hear what guys really think about girls/relationships, it makes me want to run away and hide from men forever. Men and women are so very different. I "get" why that is, but it always surprises me.

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