Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Such Great Heights

This past weekend (and this week so far) has been like a week spent in School Hell. I know I've stressed in the past and complained about work, but this time...well, this time it was enough to send me into a panic attack type thing on Sunday evening. I was so immobilized by not knowing when to do it all that I had to call my mom and cry. Then I emailed a teacher and asked for an extension on one of my papers. Fortunately, two things happened:

1) After my panic attack, I got my a** in gear and proceeded to get a pretty high grade (comparatively) on a very hard pathophysiology exam where most of the questions were taken verbatim from over 200 pages of detailed, science-heavy textbook reading.

2) My professor decided to extend the deadline on the assignment I emailed about. Problem is, she extended it to Monday morning and I need to be done with it by Thursday evening. So the added cushion does me no good.

Thus...my panic and stress still lie at what has become a way too high baseline.

Good news?? KA comes to visit on Thursday (which is why I want to be done with everything by then). I can't wait for the weekend and I can't wait to relax and frolic in the fall Berkshire sunshine without having to worry about metabolic acidosis.

And now, back to studying.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there and good luck!!

6:13 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

hope you're doing well! i'll be in your hood, over halloween. hope you'll have time for lunch or dinner :)

6:03 PM  

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