Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Cold and the Crab

It's cold. And they turned my heat off for the next 48 hours to fix something. I guess it's better they do this sort of thing now, before the 30/40 degree temperatures turn into 20 degree ones. All the real Marylanders would laugh to hear me complain, but I am a brand new one (been a resident for a day!) So as this California transplant sits here typing I am forced to rely on wearing fleece clothing and keeping a very old heating pad (circa 1970??? stolen from my momma) on my lap.

It's funny. The weather has become so much more a part of my life here. It's almost like a friend or neighbor. Every morning I wonder what it's got in store for the day. And every evening I wonder what the next few nights will be like. And it can vary so always keeps me on my toes. The thing is, I kind of like it. Sure, I don't like being too cold and I don't like when I make the wrong decision about what jacket to bring, sleeping with the window open, or forgetting my umbrella, but for the most part I kind of like it. Each season is an "event" now. It really makes the passing of time more interesting.

In Southern California, I only thought about the weather when we had some. Which wasn't very often. And, in my opinion, there were only three seasons that tended to blend together... clear/sunny/warm, hot/dry/Santa Ana's, and the days of "just-cold-enough-to-wear-that-new-scarf-as-long-as-the-only-thing-on-under-it-is-as-thick-as-a-t-shirt" cold.
Yeah. Right now, I am cold. But I like it. Soon my So Cal blood will thicken up. And then living here in the winter and sporting a drivers license with a CRAB* on it, will feel normal.

It's true...MD drivers licences do have crabs on them. Crab is a big deal here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, I remember anxiously checking the weather report each day while I lived in Boston! In LA, the thought never occurs to me. The difference is never more than, "Do I wear shorts with my flip flops or jeans with my flip flops today?"

5:57 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Gosh, I miss the weather back East. Your posts continue to make me nostalgic for Baltimore! Keep up the good writing. =)

1:05 PM  

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