Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Such Great Heights

This past weekend (and this week so far) has been like a week spent in School Hell. I know I've stressed in the past and complained about work, but this time...well, this time it was enough to send me into a panic attack type thing on Sunday evening. I was so immobilized by not knowing when to do it all that I had to call my mom and cry. Then I emailed a teacher and asked for an extension on one of my papers. Fortunately, two things happened:

1) After my panic attack, I got my a** in gear and proceeded to get a pretty high grade (comparatively) on a very hard pathophysiology exam where most of the questions were taken verbatim from over 200 pages of detailed, science-heavy textbook reading.

2) My professor decided to extend the deadline on the assignment I emailed about. Problem is, she extended it to Monday morning and I need to be done with it by Thursday evening. So the added cushion does me no good.

Thus...my panic and stress still lie at what has become a way too high baseline.

Good news?? KA comes to visit on Thursday (which is why I want to be done with everything by then). I can't wait for the weekend and I can't wait to relax and frolic in the fall Berkshire sunshine without having to worry about metabolic acidosis.

And now, back to studying.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where has the Evening Gone?

Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed to a medium degree (like 5 or 6 on a scale of 10), I respond by doing something completely unnecessary. Something that is not even on my radar of what needs to be done. Tonight I had two exams to study for and two papers to write, so what I ended up doing was this:

I've been wanting to make a picture wall for a long, long time. During the past few months I've slowly been collecting the frames and prints I wanted to display (thanks, in part, to some nice birthday gift cards). So this project has been in the works for a long, slow while, but tonight was the night that the magic happened!

Ta da!

Now...back to pathophys.

(P.S. I know the pictures aren't lined up symetrically. That is on purpose. It's to add whimsy and artistic flare. And I know not all of the frames are exactly straight yet. That is not on purpose. I need to buy a little leveler thingy from Home Depot--a project for another semi-busy evening.)


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Still Here...

I'm still here...I just didn't want to write for awhile then I got too busy to write. I'm still too busy to write, but I have a big exam tomorrow so I am catching up on everyone else's blog.

I have tons of great posts I've been saving up in my head but alas this semester somehow seems to be busier then the last one. Well, not busier, but more difficult. Hence, it requires more study time. Yuck.

Back to parasympathomemtic drugs. Over and out.


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