"Beauty" and the Beast

Keep in mind....it was the early 80's. Time has made us both more red/brown than we actually are. Also please note that my brother here is brand spankin new and therefore sort of pinched looking (a la Yoda).
Follow the Frog is an online record of a 20-something single girl raised in Los Angeles, but now living in Baltimore.
Feel free to leave (nice) comments, or you can send (friendly, encouraging) emails to: followthefrog@gmail.com
After giving up on the "wrong sized photo" gift, I thought I would finish my Christmas cards. Remembering that I needed to get a gift card to put into one of them, I ran upstairs (for, like, the gazillionth time that night) to seek it out. I actually had purchased this gift card long ago and I last saw it somewhere in my room. Only last night I couldn't find it anywhere. I tore my room up in pursuit of this stupid little piece of plastic. I knew it HAD been in there somewhere...but then I thought maybe I accidentally threw it out? So then I checked all the trashcans I had been using. Still, nothing. But since the media kept reminding me that yesterday was the last day you could send things out for it to arrive in time, I HAD to send this gift out! So what did I do today? I bought another gift card. I just hope that I come across the original one soon as this duplicate purchase is going to upset my Christmas budget a teeny bit.
And there you have it....those are the biggest mishaps of my 2005 Christmas season. Of course, they are augmented by the fact that I hadn't finished wrapping anything last night and hadn't even thought at all about WHEN I was going to deliver and/or ship out gifts until yesterday (which, let me remind you, was the last day you could ship anything out in order for it to arrive before the big holiday).