Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's a Sunshine Day

I had a fantastic date. Fantastic. Of course, now I am freaked out that we won't have a second one. I have no logical reason to think that way, as I know he had a good time and we did discuss future plans. But, regardless, I have seen enough in the dating world to know that I know nothing (when it comes to interpreting behavior, analyzing meaning and determining the future). Therefore, I will discuss no more about him until I know more.

I also had a good little interaction with TCN3 (the cute neighbor in apartment 3) last night. I don't think I've mentioned much about him on here...but then I haven't written much about anything recently. I've been pretty busy with finals. But I digress. Back to TCN3. So he's coming to our Christmas shindig on Sunday. He helped us trim and put up our Christmas tree this past weekend. Men who know how to do things with tools are just cool.

Some music news: I bought the new David Gray CD recently. It's mix of haunting melodies and poetic lyrics--punctuated with a few upbeat tunes--parallels the musical styling of White Ladder (the first DG CD I bought and loved). I'm also really into Matisyahu. Who knew I could like reggae this much? King Without a Crown is my favorite song right now. Very fun with great mix of beats, words, musical patterns. In the words of the General, I love, love, love it.

(BTW, I'm super happy at the moment....can anyone tell? I feel like this whole post is just one big gush because Christmas break, my great date, the cute neighbor, good new music, fantastic coffee... it's as though the Brady Bunch is singing "It's a Sunshine Day" all around me).


Blogger Y. said...

Yay! I'm happy you're happy and won't ask for any more details. =)

3:40 PM  

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