Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Girl Code

The other day I was watching the new Harry Potter movie. There's a scene where he tries to ask a girl to be his date for the Triwizard ball. He walks up to where Cho Chang is hanging out with her girlfriends and for a second, I saw a glimmer of what it must be like for guys sometimes. It must be hard to approach a group full of girls. We can be intimidating, especially when surrounded by our posses. But my sympathy stops there. I bring this up only to segue to my main topic: the girl code.

Girls look out for one another. We stick together. We try to help our friends navigate through the scary world of relationships, we try to protect them from heartbreak, and then we're there to help them recover when it happens.

The girl code is so instinctive sometimes that we don't even know we're doing it. It's like a 6th sense. Here are two situations from a birthday party I was at a couple of weeks ago to highlight how it all goes down.

1) The general was dancing with this one guy (let's call him HBF). HBF is a friend. HBF is a great guy. But HBF was dancing all up on her and none of us were sure if she liked it. So we tried to make ourselves extra available in case she didn't. At one point, one girl reported that the general appeared to reach out for my arm (possibly in distress?) as I turned and walked to say hi to another friend. Another friend saw the reach and reported back to me on it. This immediately activated the "girl-might-be-in-need-of-a-rescue" code. It turns out though that the general was just fine. Regardless, the code was in full effect and we were prepared to act if necessary.

2) Business Brownie got roped into dancing with a very drunk doctor. It seemed as though she wasn't having a great time, but kept dancing to be polite. We enjoyed watching this for about a second and then we did the "girl group sweep" where we danced up around them and kind of pulled BB back in with us, thereby saving her from receiving any more of the bump and grind move that so many men seem fond of these days.

It is tough being a single girl. But thankfully I have my girlfriends to protect me from all those earnest dance-floor pelvic thrusters out there.
Boys beware!


Blogger Y. said...

You - and the Girl Code - have my eternal gratitude for the save!

Business Brownie

PS I promise next Halloween, I'm busting out the cute lacy bra (pun intended), regardless of the costume. No one told me this time! Apparently informing other Brownies that sexy bras and scandalously low shirts are required is not part of the Girl Code! =)

7:55 PM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

sorry Y. next time we'll let you know. The girl code is evolving!

9:33 AM  

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