Friday, November 04, 2005

The Eternal Sunshine of Easily Styled Hair

WARNING: This is a shallow post. Proceed with caution.

I have finally perfected the art of wavy hair--wavy hair a la Jennifer Anniston that one year she won an Emmy. Wavy hair a la the Olsen Twins (not that I ever aim to look like them). Wavy hair a la the boho style that has swept the fashion industry of late.

This is not a big deal to me because of trends though. This is important to me for other reasons. I was raised by a mother who suffers from an affliction I call "Curly Hair Denial." She has always straightened her hair, and because I learned all things woman from my momma, I first learned to style my hair by straightening it. Which was a big fat pain. After my college roommate V told me I had curly hair and helped me figure out how to wear it that way, I have been obsessed with finding new, easy ways to style my hair.

And so I am drawn to the wavy, bed-tousled, just-got-back-from-the-beach do because it looks simple. But I have found it is not necessarily so. I've struggled and experimented, all to no avail, until now. This morning I did it. I have even-ish waviness all over. It's easy and I love it. Oh happy, happy day.

On another note, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night again. God, I LOVE that movie. It is seriously one of my favorite films of all time. So many of the themes appeal to me. It is smart, enjoyable, hopeful. The whole concept of wanting to erase an ex from your mind coupled with the idea that some fateful things cannot be avoided is so touching. And the concept that erasing past memories also means taking away good ones is a nice way to reflect on time spent with exes. If you haven't seen this movie, do.


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