Thursday, November 03, 2005

Drafting Me a Date

Even though I am only 27 and not too old by society's current standards for women, sometimes I do find myself worrying about being single forever. No, it is not a rational fear but it is a real one and it is something many of my girlfriends share. On Friday I was shocked to discover that I am not the only one who worries about me being single forever. Apparently my entire extended family does also. (BTW, this is the same side of the family who thinks I would look better with a bigger chest. See a post from back in April called "Family Criticisms"). cousin (who is male and has NEVER had a girlfriend) works as a lawyer for the Air Force. He is stationed in Mississippi right now, I think. I'm not particularly close to him and we do not keep in touch. I guess he had some photos up at his desk of some family event from the summer and some guy who he works with wanted to know more about me. My cousin called my Aunt who called my Grandma who called my mom to see if I thought it was okay if they gave him my email address so that we could become pen pals or something. WTF? This is so typical of this side of the family. So I laughed, rolled my eyes in incredulity, and said no. My mom shared my opinion and left it at, "Well, email your aunt if you're interested."

I was not interested and I did not email my aunt. So yesterday I was very surprised to receive a long, friendly email from a second lieutenant in the air force telling me about himself and asking all about me.

My family is so concerned I will be single forever that they are recruiting military men from Mississippi for me.


Blogger kq said...

That's pretty sweet, though. :) I don't know, maybe I'm just a sap. But Mississippi? That's a red state...

12:49 PM  
Blogger vitamin g said...

i'm still stuck on your cousin NEVER having a gilfriend, i sense a blip on the gaydar (j/k, or am i?). yeah it's kinda sweet, and if you think about it, it's not really them setting you up since he was inquiring about you. at least they didn't post your picture up w/ "single" underneath it and "yes, we know, she'd look better w/ bigger boobs." (not my opinion, that side of the familys'). so technically he is trying to recuit you!

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your shouldn't take it so harshly. This world is full of people who just want to meet friends.

4:45 PM  
Blogger ka said...

i am sure they had good intentions, but i would be really offended and irritated if anyone in my family did that. They obviously don't know you well enough to understand why you wouldn't be interested.....and because they don't know you that well, they shouldn't take it upon themselves to set you up.

have faith my friend....we won't be single forever.....

11:13 AM  

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