Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Pain in the Heart

I'm sick. In a really strange way...

On Monday afternoon, I started getting chills and when I went home that night, turned out I had a fever. It was low grade (no more than 100.5) but it lasted through the night and got worse. I didn't go to work on Tuesday and made a doctor appointment. I also had a strange pain in my chest that makes it hard to swallow and breathe deeply. It's like there's a big air pocket in the center of my chest. The doctor wasn't sure what the pain could be from so they did tons of tests. X Ray, EKG, blood, urine. The Xray and EKG came back fine, so it could just be a viral or bacterial infection on one of the organs or on the lining of one of them (BTW, due to my new and vast knowledge of human anatomy, I can identify that the problem may lie in my pericardial cavity or perhaps on my visceral pericardium. he he) but they want to figure it out before they medicate. This morning, the fever broke and I'm back at work. I feel pretty normal too. Which is odd, but good. The chest pain is there but it feels better than it did this morning.

And so...that is why I haven't posted on here yet this week. But there is more to come soon!


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