Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sleepless Nights and Sleepy Mornings

I've been having trouble sleeping. On Sunday night, I thought maybe it was just because I slept in too much that morning. But all day yesterday I was exhausted and felt like I could fall asleep any moment. Any moment, that is, until I got in bed and turned off the light.

Because of these back-to-back sleepless nights, I have been unable to go to the gym in the morning. Each day, I caringly pack my gym bag, plan my work outfit, prepare a lunch and set the alarm. When the alarm clock goes off though, I have no energy and feel like sleeping for hours. And because it takes me hours to fall asleep at night, I have more justification for giving into that little voice in my head. You know, the one that says "sleep....sleep....you deserve it...your bed is still warm and it's so comfy...get back in quick!"

This morning was particularly awful. I actually was able to get up, brush my teeth, put my gym clothes on, and take my lunch out of the fridge. But when I went to put on my shoes, that's when I crumbled under the pressure of "the voice." I was tired and it just wasn't going to happen. So I got back in my PJs and got back into bed and slept.

Maybe "not thinking" is making me an insomniac. Maybe I should re-think this.


Blogger Y. said...

ML - I have had many, many similar mornings. Some mornings, I've even made it as far as being dressed and having a snack in preparation for the gym before the bed pulls me back in. Sigh. It's hard.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you

5:21 PM  

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