Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Craziest Weekend

I just survived a most crazy, fun, exhausting weekend. Here are some the key highlights:

My BFF and some other fantastic friends visited from SF
We went to the beach
I bought some cute, but expensive, boutique jeans
My brother surprised me by coming home for my party
I had a fantastic B-day Bash
WBF and I kissed! (KQ/G, KA will give details)
I lost my favorite ring from Puerto Rico
I went to a fabulous Jack Johnson concert
I got a tattoo!
I went to Disneyland!
I got an eye infection

And today, I'm exhausted.

More details later...


Blogger vitamin g said...

must lunch w/ ka... and sorry i didn't make it, i didn't get back till midnight fromt he wedding and was pooped after spending so much time in the car.

i am working on a blogger lunch!

glad you had a wonderful b-day weekend!

10:59 PM  

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