Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Catholic School Skirts, CFM Heels, and Evolutionary Psychology?

Enough introspection. I'm taking a break and going back to more superficial blogging. And what better way to do that then discuss this week's fashion theme?

Fashion Theme of the Week:
The theme for this week is....skirts! It's hot, especially when you're land-locked in the middle of So Cal Monday-Friday, 9-6. I am a newer fan of the skirt. This is mainly because I went to Catholic school for 8 years. I was often forced to wear ugly pleated unshapely things for much of my time there. Despite most men's fantasies, Catholic school girl skirts are NOT cute or sexy. That's because Catholic schools are about being holy and pure, not fashionable and attractive. Thanks, Britney.

Due to the fact that this theme requires 5 days of work-appropriate skirts, today's outfit is not the best. I look very someone preparing to take her small children to church on Sunday. I have on a cardigan, a floral knee-length flowy skirt, and a necklace that looks sort of like pearls. There is only one thing keeping me from looking too "Charlotte": I have coupled my outfit with my CFM heels. For those out of the know, CFM means "come f*ck me." Yes, crude nickname (I didn't make it up!) but they're pretty and sexy and more importantly, oddly comfortable.

On to something a little more intellectual...
I found this cool article today on why people are obsessed with celebrities. It's from Psychology Today (so it's slightly more reputable than In-Touch, which is generally where I get my celebrity-related news). It highlights thoughts and research from various Psychologists and Sociologists about why we like to gossip, why we feel like we "know" various celebrities, why we're drawn to beautiful people and why we define beauty the way we do. It links much of this to Evolutionary Psychology, a field of study I am fascinated with because it explains things like why people get jealous, why men have trouble being faithful and why women just want a man who commits. I am/was so interested in figuring out how our evolved minds play-out in today's world that I thought about going back to get a PhD instead of the whole nursing thing (I actually still keep in touch with an evol psych prof from college...he tried to convince me to come study under him in New Mexico once).

To learn more about why people are so gossipy, celebrity-obsessed, beauty-driven, go here: Seeing by Starlight: Celebrity Obsession

I just realized my post has turned from "skirts" to something bordering on "intellectual." That wasn't supposed to happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Catholic school skirts are cool. Where would Britnay be to-day without them. What would girls do for Halloween costumes? After all, 3 generations wore them. I didn't know what CFM stood for, Thanks for the explanation. Cute, NA and TLC

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I have to say, I liked my catholic school girl skirt. Friday flip-up day? We couldn't have had that without the skirts. And at my school, we had jumpers until we were in 6th grade. Then we graduated to the skirt. Hot, Hot, HOT! I even kept mine for a while for great Halloween costumes. I wonder what happened to it....?


10:14 AM  

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