Enough Dew on my Deck
Lately I've been indulging in things that make me happy. Ice blendeds, Disneyland, Coronas on the beach, Harry Potter etc. As part of this, I've started re-watching favorite movies and TV shows. The trend began with a nightly progression through Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then I traveled to a galaxy far far away to watch the on-going struggles between the evil Empire and a small rebellion led by various Skywalkers. It's always comforting to watch heroes fall from grace and then crawl their way back to the good-side. If Annakin can turn into Darth Vader, kill ruthlessly and serve the evil Sith Lord, but then find love in his heart in time to save his only son, well, then I can definitely get through any petty traumas du jour, right?
In continuing with the "favorites" trend, I'm now turning back to old-school classics. I finished The Never-Ending Story last night. That movie used to strike a chord with me. A lonely child who stumbles across a book that turns out to be the device which lures him to use his imagination so a fantasy world can continue to exist....amazing stuff. Well as an adult, it does seem a little more cliché and a lot more obvious, yet it's allegorical symbolism still holds water for me. And the cyclical nature of the actual never-ending part of it is nice too. The story is happening while Sebastian reads about it and becomes part of the adventure, while we watch it and become part of the adventure, and so on and so forth. Thus the story is....never-ending.
Next on the list of favorite movies from my youth: Return to Oz. This movie is not as well known and probably not as revered as the Wizard of Oz, but I liked it better. Maybe I liked it better because it was released during my lifetime, or maybe because I remember it as being less trippy and odd than the original (no napping in fields of poppies and strange munchkin lollypop dances). As we speak Netflix is shipping this tiny piece of childhood joy to me. Yippee!
I once read about how if you're ever lost on a boat at sea you can survive without water as long as you can collect dew from the deck. Without sounding too dramatic, sometimes I feel like getting through tough times (small or large) is about finding ways to "collect dew." On a scale of one to ten (ten being the most happiest time), I'd say that the last couple of weeks has averaged at about a 6. So I'm not THAT unhappy. But focusing on small portions of that illogical and innocent happiness only children keep is helping, and now my scale is pushing back up to 7.
I like looking back and remembering good times. I like finding that inner-child and re-anchoring my current self to her. I'm not sure how I'll feel next week and I'm not sure what little joy I'll indulge in tomorrow, but for today, reflecting on these memories provides just enough dew on my deck.
In continuing with the "favorites" trend, I'm now turning back to old-school classics. I finished The Never-Ending Story last night. That movie used to strike a chord with me. A lonely child who stumbles across a book that turns out to be the device which lures him to use his imagination so a fantasy world can continue to exist....amazing stuff. Well as an adult, it does seem a little more cliché and a lot more obvious, yet it's allegorical symbolism still holds water for me. And the cyclical nature of the actual never-ending part of it is nice too. The story is happening while Sebastian reads about it and becomes part of the adventure, while we watch it and become part of the adventure, and so on and so forth. Thus the story is....never-ending.
Next on the list of favorite movies from my youth: Return to Oz. This movie is not as well known and probably not as revered as the Wizard of Oz, but I liked it better. Maybe I liked it better because it was released during my lifetime, or maybe because I remember it as being less trippy and odd than the original (no napping in fields of poppies and strange munchkin lollypop dances). As we speak Netflix is shipping this tiny piece of childhood joy to me. Yippee!
I once read about how if you're ever lost on a boat at sea you can survive without water as long as you can collect dew from the deck. Without sounding too dramatic, sometimes I feel like getting through tough times (small or large) is about finding ways to "collect dew." On a scale of one to ten (ten being the most happiest time), I'd say that the last couple of weeks has averaged at about a 6. So I'm not THAT unhappy. But focusing on small portions of that illogical and innocent happiness only children keep is helping, and now my scale is pushing back up to 7.
I like looking back and remembering good times. I like finding that inner-child and re-anchoring my current self to her. I'm not sure how I'll feel next week and I'm not sure what little joy I'll indulge in tomorrow, but for today, reflecting on these memories provides just enough dew on my deck.
i don't think i ever really grew up... i still love to go to the toy store buy things and go home and play with them. well not so much play anymore as display, though i have been known to spend an evening at home brushing my dollie's hair... and on that sad note, i'm sure everyone feels much better about themselves! :)
there is such a "security" in acting and thinking as a child. It's a feeling that you can't do anything wrong and if you do, you just don't care. There's always another adventure around the corner. TLC
Wow It was very interesting reading your blog on dew on the deck. You are terrfic. In our lives we all have to collect Dew. But for someone who has lived a long life, a little dew will go a long way. Keep collecting..... NA
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