Friday, July 29, 2005

Aloha Consolation Vacation!

As you all know Cancun was postponed. And that, along with Firecracker events, recently pushed me into a little happiness dip. But I'm back up and part of the reason is because of a newly scheduled, hastily thrown together consolation vacation! I am going to Kauai over Labor Day Weekend with the Private. I am so excited because this means: 1) I still get to spend some time in the tropics and warm sun 2) I get to see some cool things I haven't seen before (like Waimea Canyon), 3) I will get some cool photo opportunities with my fabulous Nikon D70, and 4) I will get to celebrate Labor day in the perfect way...reading a great book on a beautiful beach with a Pina Colada in hand (they are better than Mai Tais). And this means I will start the fall off with a nice glowing tan. Perfect for Santa Ana season.

I still haven't officially unpacked from Cancun yet...I've just sort of rifled through the bag as I need various things. Maybe I should just keep it all together since Kauai is only 32 days away.


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