Monday, August 29, 2005

Liking WBF for Real...

Real quick WBF update...we hung out Friday night. It was great. I am starting to really like him. Which is very scary. Because he's only 23.

The good news: I think he likes me too. Not sure how much or what he wants out of all this (I can't imagine much because he's so young, and I'm not even sure what I want from all this...because he's so young) but for now, at this moment, I think we both like each other.

Which scares me.

The General suggested that it might be time for his nickname to graduate up from WBF to something more, as now he is slightly higher than WBF level (which is pretty much just a name we use for a casual crush). But the WBF name is fun and we like it. So officially he will continue to be known on here and amongst my peer group as The WBF. He's even in my cell phone that way.

This is fun, but I'm scared.


Blogger kq said...

scary, yes. but also exciting! are you guys hanging out more at work or is it a strictly after-hours thing?

And there's nothing wrong with 23 yr olds! Or 24 yr olds, for that matter...:)

P.S. Where IS everybody???

10:09 PM  

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